About me
CV and Publications

Through my musicology studies in Munich, and my music therapy degree in Milan, I am travelling between two habitats. While indigenously Italian in my training, as a music therapy lecturer I am drawing on my university education.
The cultural, historical and theoretical aspects in music therapy have helped me bridge – and exploit – cultural differences as an additional perspective in training and clinical work.
Benenzon method and Philosophy

My approach in teaching and clinical work is the music therapy method of Rolando Benenzon. As a music therapist, I work with adults and the elderly who require a high or very high level of care.
The main focus of my clinical experiences are persons in states of coma (UWS and MCS), and individuals in geriatric psychiatry.
Contact me for more information.
Events and Archive

As a German musicologist in Italy, my music therapy studies have brought about a particular constellation: I am as of now the only German native speaker who has obtained a Magister-degree from Rolando Benenzon.
I work as a music therapy lecturer for several courses and schools in Italy. In Germany I give seminars on the Benenzon-method. His six-level workshop-series called Musicoterapia Didattica is part of many courses in Italy.
Musiktherapie Eichmanns
Bettina Eichmanns
Prenzlauer Allee 50
10405 Berlin
T +49 (0)30 48494157
F +49 (0)30 48494159